The Bloodcross Key - Epilogue
The Bloodcross Key: Reversals [Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Summary] Seifer has to adjust to life after all that's happened to him.
[Notes] This fic links directly to Lady Tempest's site.
[Warning] NC-17 Lime Key-Fic | Angst, language, implied non-consensual, adult themes, attempted suicide
[Added] 19 March 2001
Bloody Tyr
by Sukunami
[Summary] A mercenary leader makes an interesting find in the dungeons.
[Pairing] Shaen/Seifer X Tyr/Squall
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon AU | Mild language, non-consenual, mild violence
[Added] 2 December 2002
Bloody Tyr - Part 1
Bloody Tyr - Part 2
Bloody Tyr - Part 3
Bloody Tyr - Part 4
by LaughingWolfGirl
[Summary] Seifer walks through Time Compression reliving memories and his dreams...
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] PG-13 Deathfic | Angst
[Added] 10 August 2002
A Boy and His GF
by Domino and Rufus Safer
[Summary] Irvine learns the true joy of junctioning a GF....
[Pairing] Bahamut X Irvine, Seifer X Zell
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon AU | Language, beastiality
[Added] 14 November 2001
A Boy and His GF - Part 1
A Boy and His GF - Part 2
A Boy and His GF - Part 3
Boys Who Play With Boys, Boys Who Play With Toys
by Kumaguro
[Summary] Squall and Zell discover they have stronger feeling for each other that they initially thought. They would like to be together but Seifer may cause a problem.
[Pairing] Zell X Squall, Seifer X Zell, Seifer X Squall, Squall X Zell X Seifer
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Language
[Added] 14 November 2001
Boys Who Play With Boys, Boys Who Play With Toys
Breaking Dreams
by Black Gem and Lady Tempest
[Summary] A new, perhaps more dangerous, foe threatens the existence of the world. Will Seifer and Irvine survive long enough to see to her defeat or will she defeat them, with themselves?
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall, Irvine X Zell
[Notes] This fic links directly to Lady Tempest's site.
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Language, angst, non-consensual, violence, spoilers
[Added] 12 June 2001
[Status] Work In Progress | Updated: 12 June 2001
Breaking Dreams - Part 1
Breaking Dreams - Part 2
Breaking Dreams - Part 3
Breaking Dreams - Part 4
Breaking Point
by Flamika
[Summary] A bitter Seifer introspective piece as he watches the SeeD ball from the shadows.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] M15 Angst
[Added] 29 June 2001
Breaking Point
A Brief Respite
by CmdrLeonhart
[Summary] Sad and lonely, Squall ventures outside Garden to find some companionship.
[Pairing] OC X Squall (sort of Seifer X Squall-ish)
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Angst
[Added] 18 January 2002
A Brief Respite
by twentysix years of therapy
[Summary] The individual without choice has no reason to fear.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Language
[Added] 19 March 2001 - Revised 28 June 2001
Broken [blitzkrieg revised]
Broken Column
by Redrum
[Summary] Seifer stands guard while Squall lets himself go.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] G AU Songfic
[Added] 22 May 2004
Broken Column
Broken Promises (Bother)
by Alexis Logain
[Summary] Stuck in denial, Seifer begins drinking heavily. After a conversation with Laguna, one night he begins to heal.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] R Deathfic | Angst, alcohol use
[Added] 10 August 2002
Broken Promises (Bother)
Broken Wings
by Sukunami
[Summary] A commander returns an escaped 'pet' to his Empress.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon AU | Mild language, mild violence, mild angst
[Added] 22 May 2004
Broken Wings - Part 1
Broken Wings - Part 2
Broken Wings - Part 3
by WaitingAngel
[Summary] Zell gets his heart broken by Squall...
[Pairing] Squall X Zell, Seifer X Zell
[Warning] M15 Lime Mild language, mild OOC, bad poetry
[Added] 1 March 2002
[Status] Work In Progress | Updated: 5 April 2002
BrokenHeart - Chapter 1
BrokenHeart - Chapter 2
Building Blocks
by almasy
[Summary] "Some people say that the view through a child's eyes isn't worth all that much."
[Pairing] Laguna X Squall
[Warning] PG-13 POV | Incest, potential squick, OC
[Added] 29 November 2004
Building Blocks
by Sniffles
[Summary] A little peek inside Irvine's head.
[Pairing] Seifer X Irvine
[Warning] M15 Angst
[Added] 2 April 2001
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