Blood Knight
[Summary] Squall finds Seifer, who is not dealing well with the aftermath of the Sorceress War. Please note warnings inside.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Pre-Slash | Spoilers, violence, non-consensual, language
[Added] 29 November 2004
[Status] Work In Progress | Updated: 29 November 2004
Chapter 1 - Making Friends With Shadows
Chapter 2 - Tomorrow Might Be Good
Chapter 3 - Right Now You Can’t Tell
Chapter 4 - Stay a While and Maybe
Chapter 5 - See a Different Side

The "Hero" series
Hero [Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Summary] Four years after Ultimecia Seifer and Squall rescue each other.
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Language, angst, attempted suicide, mild bondage
[Added] 22 February 2002
Happily Ever After [Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Summary] Seifer and Squall take a stab at "real life"
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon B & D, language
[Added] 5 April 2002
Happily Ever After - Chapter 1
Happily Ever After - Chapter 2
Happily Ever After - Chapter 3
Happily Ever After - Chapter 4
Happily Ever After - Chapter 5
Once a Knight [Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Summary] Squall and Seifer deal with the return of Rinoa.
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Language, violence, angst
[Added] 24 August 2003
Once a Knight - Chapter 1
Once a Knight - Chapter 2
Once a Knight - Chapter 3
Once a Knight - Chapter 4
Once a Knight - Chapter 5
Once a Knight - Chapter 6
Once a Knight - Epilogue
Side Stories/Spin-offs:
Male Bonding [Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Summary] Laguna, Kiros, Seifer and Squall go camping.
[Warning] R Fluff
[Added] 24 August 2003
What Can I Say? [Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Summary] Holiday nonsense from the Hero arc.
[Warning] R Lime Fluff
[Added] 24 August 2003

[Summary] Silly oneshot : the Blanket Scene.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall X Irvine X Zell
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Humour | Mild language
[Added] 22 May 2004
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