Clean Slate
[Summary] Squall reflects on his sleeping lover, over a night that almost didn't happen.
[Pairing] Laguna x Squall
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon AU POV PWP | Alcohol use, incest
[Added] 29 April 2005
Clean Slate

Coldest Heart
[Summary] For she has the coldest heart of all...
[Pairing] Laguna X Squall, Seifer X Squall implied
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon AU Deathfic-ish | Angst, incest
[Added] 29 April 2005
Coldest Heart
[Summary] A new addition becomes competition for Squall's affection.
[Pairing] Seifer x Squall
[Warning] PG AU Fluff Humour
[Added] 29 April 2005

Drop in the Ocean
[Summary] A long forgotten book makes Laguna remember something he'd rather forget.
[Pairing] Squall X Laguna
[Warning] M15 Citrus Incest, angst, mild language
[Added] 19 May 2003 | Revised: 29 April 2005
Drop in the Ocean

[Summary] Eternity is a long time to wait, but Eventually you can get what you want.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall, Selphie X Irvine
[Warning] PG Citrus Deathfic
[Added] 9 December 2005

For Everything
[Summary] To help Zell forget, Seifer shows him what it means to be human.
[Pairing] Seifer X Zell
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon AU | Mild angst
[Added] 24 August 2003
For Everything

The "Letters From Home" Series
[Archiver's Note] This series might not be indexed in chronological order.
Say [Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Summary] Thoughts from Squall over a discarded poem.
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Some Poetry | Language, violence, mild S&M
[Added] 29 April 2005
Prayer [Pairing] Seifer x Squall implied
[Summary] A Psalm for Him....
[Warning] PG-13 Citrus POV
[Added] 29 April 2005
Angels Shouldn't Cry [Pairing] Laguna X Raine, Laguna X Squall implied
[Summary] Laguna writes to the one he lost about the one he found.
[Warning] PG-13 Citrus POV | Incest
[Added] 29 April 2005
Eye of the Storm [Pairing] Laguna X Squall, Seifer X Squall implied
[Summary] A lovers' lament while Squall is away from home.
[Warning] PG-13 Citrus POV | Incest
[Added] 29 April 2005 
No Help
[Summary] Laguna looks through Squall's medicine cabinet to find something to save his life.
[Pairing] Laguna x Squall
[Warning] PG Fluff | Incest
[Added] 29 April 2005
No Help

[Summary] Revenge is sweet....
[Pairing] Laguna x Squall
[Warning] PG-13 Citrus Humour | Incest
[Added] 29 April 2005

[Summary] What is given, can also be taken away....
[Pairing] Laguna X Squall
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon AU | Incest, OOCness, some violence, mild non-consensual
[Added] 22 May 2004 | Completed: 29 April 2005

"The Only" Series
Perfect [Pairing] Squall X Zell, Squall X OC, Squall/Rinoa and Zone/Rinoa impled
[Summary] Squall's "happy family" life is torn apart after one night in Esthar.
[Warning] R Lime Songfic | Angst, OOCness, OC, alcohol use, suicidal themes, semi non-consensual
[Added] 29 April 2005
The Only [Pairing] Seifer X Squall, Squall X Zell(implied), Squall/OC(implied)
[Summary] Can the last refuge of a desperate man be in the arms of the one he least expected?
[Warning] M15 Citrus Songfic | Alcohol use, OOCness, suicidal themes
[Added] 29 April 2005

Words Unspoken
[Summary] Squall clears his thoughts regarding the object of his desire.
[Pairing] Squall X Laguna
[Warning] M15 Lime POV | Incest
[Added] 24 August 2003
Words Unspoken
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