Main Archive : O
Obsidian Solace
by Chlover
[Summary] Three young people, all in unfortunate circumstance, are brought together by the tournament. How will they ever find comfort?
[Warning] MA15+ Citrus Language, violence
[Pairing] Steve X Jin, Jin X Christie, Christie X Steve
[Added] 8 May 2004
[Status] Work In Progress | Updated: 8 May 2004
Chapter 1 - Practice…
Chapter 2 - Devils and Brits
Chapter 3 - Peace making
Chapter 4 - Can't Help Myself
Chapter 5 - Violet
Chapter 6 - Please
Chapter 7 - Hostage
Chapter 8 - Comfortable
On Air West
by Poli Almasy
[Summary] Hwoarang drags Jin into a completely different world right inside of Tokyo itself, gothic lolita subculture. Surpressed feelings explode and Hwoarang is as unsure as Jin how to handle them properly.
[Pairing] Hworang X Jin
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Angst, crossdressing, light bdsm
[Added] 1 March 2002
On Air West
Only Half Ourselves
by Mana
[Summary] An innocent training mission on foreign soil leaves a certain flaming redhead... only half himself.
[Pairing] Hwoarang X Jin
[Warning] G AU Crossover
[Added] 13 September 2001
[Status] Work In Progress | Updated: 18 January 2002
Only Half Ourselves - Chapter 1
Only Half Ourselves - Chapter 2
Only Half Ourselves - Chapter 3
Only Half Ourselves - Chapter 4
Only When I Sleep
by Misato Ishida
[Summary] Hwoarang feels that Jin can never love him, and can only express his love for Jin in his dreams.
[Pairing] Hworang X Jin
[Warning] PG-13 Songfic Angst
[Added] 14 November 2001
Only When I Sleep
Over the Horizon
by Crimson Assassin
[Summary] Hwoarang has come to attack Jin at his moutain retreat in Hokkaido...Working with Heihachi? What's that about? Hwoarang's got some explaining to do...before Jin takes matters into his own hands.
[Pairing] Jin X Hwoarang
[Warning] M15 | Language, Mild violence
[Added] 18 June 2002
[Status] Work In Progress | Updated: 28 February 2003
Chapter 1 - Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 2 - Revelations
Chapter 3 - I Have a Chapter 3?
Chapter 4 - I Know Where You Can Stick It!
Chapter 5 - Where do we go from here?
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