Assessment Goals
[Summary] A new type of grading, a different sort of raw score, and the idea is to get full Marks.
[Pairing] Cho/Hermione, Ginny/Hermione implied
[Warning] PG-13 Citrus
[Added] 24 August 2003
Assessment Goals

Billie Jean
[Summary] Ginny loves Harry, but Harry is gay. So what does Ginny do? Sleeps with anyone she can get her hands on.
[Pairing] Cho/Hermione, Harry/Draco
[Warning] PG-13 Citrus POV
[Added] 24 August 2003
Billie Jean

Black Letter
[Summary] One windy, overcast day, Remus Lupin died.
[Pairing] Harry/Remus
[Warning] PG-13 Deathfic | Angst
[Added] 29 November 2004
Black Letter

[Crossover] Harry Potter/The Vampire Chronicles
[Summary] Lestat and Louis travel the magical world together, only to separate in Diagon Alley.
[Pairing] Lestat/Draco, Louis/Remus
[Warning] M15 Citrus Crossover Horror | Gore
[Added] 29 November 2004

[Summary] It is about being Whole, not Separate. Maybe Diggory needs Quidditch, the Snitch... or maybe he needs Harry Potter.
[Pairing] Cedric/Harry
[Warning] R Citrus Deathfic | Mild suicidal themes
[Added] 26 September 2003

Dream Walker
[Summary] Terry Boot is a Seer and he can See things no one else can. Harry Potter is suspicious and Pansy Parkinson is in for a big surprise.
[Pairing] Terry/Harry, Pansy/?
[Warning] G Pre-Slash
[Added] 25 December 2003
Dream Walker

Forgive Me Father
[Summary] Remus had a disturbing childhood, which has negatively affected his life so far. Harry tries to help him overcome his emotional demons.
[Pairing] Harry/Remus
[Warning] R Lime Hurt/Comfort | Non-consensual, angst
[Added] 29 November 2004
Forgive Me Father

The Games Slytherins Play
[Summary] Draco suggests a game to stifle Pansy's boredom.
[Pairing] Pansy/Hermione, Pansy/Draco, Harry/Draco implied
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon PWP | Language
[Added] 24 August 2003
The Games Slytherins Play

Head Girl
[Summary] She said, I said, he said, These are the reasons why Hermione is in Gryffindor.
[Pairing] Hermione/Harry, Hermione/Ron
[Warning] G Mild spoilers
[Added] 29 November 2004
Head Girl

[Summary] You're just the depressed housewife, who falls for your youngest son's best friend.
[Pairing] Molly/Hermione
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Mild non-consensual
[Added] 29 November 2004

It Must Be
[Summary] Pansy loves Hermione, but Hermione is muggle-born. So what does Pansy do? She gets Marked in more than one way.
[Pairing] Hermione/Pansy, Cho/Hermione
[Warning] PG-13 Citrus POV | Angst, language
[Added] 24 August 2003
It Must Be

Last Army Standing Co-Authored by ledracodormiens
[Summary] Something is haunting the castle of Hogwarts. Students are being turned into something less human, and Dark experiments are claiming purity and changing Pureblood tradition forever.
[Pairing] Harry/Terry, Hermione/Padma, Pansy/Hermione unrequited, Padma/Pansy, Snape/Pansy, Snape/Padma unrequited, eventual Harry/Draco
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Shota-con, disturbing content, language, non-con, violence
[Added] 26 September 2003
[Status] Work in Progress | Updated: 26 September 2003
Last Army Standing - Chapter 1
Last Army Standing - Chapter 2
Last Army Standing - Chapter 3
Last Army Standing - Chapter 4

[Summary] You wish you were just an ordinary boy, and you dream sometimes.
[Pairing] Harry/Draco
[Warning] PG-13 Citrus Angst
[Added] 24 August 2003

Paper Flowers
Part 1 - Blood Magic [Pairing] Harry/Sirius, Harry/Draco
[Summary] Harry Potter is at his relatives for his summer holidays, when on his sixteenth birthday a 'bump' in the night startles him out of peace and his world once again turns upside down. The Ministry is collapsing, fellow students have been kidnapped and the War is raging, ripping away lives like so many paper flowers.
[Warning] R Lime Deathfic | Angst, shota-con, language, spoilers for OotP, medium violence
[Added] 24 August 2003
[Status] Work in Progress | Updated: 29 November 2004
Chapter 1 - Write Me a River
Chapter 2 - Merging of Worlds
Chapter 3 - Happy Hour
Chapter 4 - Enter the Dragon
Chapter 5 - Fight and Moon
Chapter 6 - The Amber Pendant

[Summary] The Slytherins are playing with Resurrection Spells, the Ravenclaws are obsessed with fighting, the Hufflepuffs are constantly high and all the Gryffindors want to do is talk about sex. Pansy Parkinson is fed up and Hermione Granger is forever asking the question: Is it the key to Immortality or Fates chance for Love after Death?
[Pairing] Pansy/Hermione, Pansy/Draco, Bill/Ginny, Draco/Lucius
[Warning] R Lime Deathfic Pre-Slash | Violence, Language, Supernatural themes, Necromancy, Non-con, Drug use, Angst, Cross-generation, Incest, Horror, Romance, Drama, Mystery
[Added] 26 September 2003
[Status] Work in Progress | Updated: 29 November 2004
Chapter 1 – Resurrect
Chapter 2 – Restless
Chapter 3 - Recruit
Chapter 4 - Resent
Chapter 5 - Reconsider

[Summary] A mysterious flu has taken over Hogwarts, and Remus dives right into the fever.
[Pairing] Remus/Sirius, Lily/James
[Warning] PG-13 Humour | Language
[Added] 29 November 2004

Swinging Into Pure Mud
[Summary] Can pure-blood be tainted by some things, such as homosexuality and adultery? Or is Pure always pure, no matter how much mud is thrown at it?
[Pairing] Narcissa/Lily, Lucius/James
[Warning] PG-13 Angst
[Added] 22 May 2004
Swinging Into Pure Mud

A Tin of Sherbet Lemons
[Summary] A Christmas ficlet for a friend, who liked Dumbledore and Fawkes, femme slash and a side order of Harry/Draco.
[Pairing] Dumbledore/Fawkes
[Warning] PG Humour
[Added] 22 May 2004
A Tin of Sherbet Lemons

Trial Run
[Summary] Snape is hidden away from the world, while on the outside the Malfoy Trials progress.
[Pairing] Snape/Draco
[Warning] G Pre-Slash | Futurefic, warfic
[Added] 29 November 2004
Trial Run

The Trio War
[Summary] Set in the days when Lily and James went to Hogwarts. Lily is caught in bitter school rivalry and she finds a friend who shows her where her heart lies.
[Pairing] Lily/Narcissa, Lily/James
[Warning] PG-13 Citrus Acohol use
[Added] 19 May 2003
The Trio War