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harry potter slash fanfiction archive

« Pansy Parkinson x Ginny Weasley »

Last Update 29.11.2004

Last warning for people who don't like slash. If this is you, you can exit here.

Pansy Parkinson and Ginny Weasley fics.

Submissions: If you'd like to submit a fic for this archive (please? Pretty please please?), or know of a fic that falls into this category and isn't here (horror of horrors), drop us a line and we'll see about getting it here.

NOTE: These fanfics all have ratings and classifications for their content. If you didn't read how we classify them, and what all the little [warnings] mean, I suggest you head on over to the Glossary page and read it.


by Libertine

[Summary] Ginny reflects on her relationship with Pansy.
[Pairing] Ginny/Pansy
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon-ish
[Added] 29 November 2004

Drive - Part 1

Drive - Part 2

Drive - Part 3

Drive - Part 4

Drive - Part 5

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