Severus Snape
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harry potter slash fanfiction archive

« Main Archive »

Last Update 9.12.2005

Summary of Archive: This Gramarye archive contains all the stories based on characters and events on file for Realm designate R-HPJKR. These stories have been sorted into alphabetical order for your convinience. Note that the majority of the files contained in this archive are classified as slash. Proceed at your own risk, you have been warned.


Hiya! Glad you could make it! This is where we've housed all the fics we've managed to get our grubby little hands on. As said up in the [summary] all the fics here are slash (boy love if ya didn't know). Why? Cos we happen to like slash very much and mainstream gets boring really fast.

Submissions: If you'd like to submit a fic for this archive (please? Pretty please please?), or know of a fic that falls into this category and isn't here (horror of horrors), drop us a line and we'll see about getting it here.

NOTE: These fanfics all have ratings and classifications for their content, so if you don't know them, these are the brief definitions. For the complete version, go to the Glossary. Also has all the contact information.

  • G : Suitable for General Audiences; everyone can read it.
  • PG-13 : Recommended for people 13 years and over.
  • M15 : Recommended for mature audiences, 15 years and over. Mature themes, but nothing graphic.
  • MA15+ : Stronger than M15, but still nothing very graphic.
  • R : Contains adult themes and situations i.e. sex (but no explicit), violence, or language.
  • NC-17 : Contains graphic sex, violence, language, and/or non-consensuality (in any form).
  • Citrus - Nothing graphic; light romance, kissing etc.
  • Lime - Nothing too graphic; sex, but not explicit.
  • Lemon - Graphic/explicit sex scenes (goes hand in hand with the NC-17 rating).
  • Non-Consensual - Rape, non-consensual sex etc.
  • AU - Alternate Universe
  • Language - Lots of swearing or the like, unless classified [mild]
  • Spoilers - Spoilers to the books/movies if you haven't finished yet

And I've stuck the nav bar at the bottom so you read everything above! ...unless you scrolled all the way to the bottom &_& Oh well, I tried... We have a new nav bar in Gramarye - because the damn thing doesn't fit on one line! It should stil be pretty easy to navigate... kind've temporary until I figure out a more aesthetically pleasing nav.

:|: Pick a Letter :|:

A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z


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