The Pursuit of Seifer Almasy
[Summary] Special Agent Dincht and Special Agent Leonhart are looking for the escaped Seifer Almasy, who tried to eat Rinoa once.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall X Zell
[Warning] MA15+ Citrus AU Parody | Language, mild Rinoa-bashing
[Added] 1 February 2002
The Pursuit of Seifer Almasy

Secrets of Balamb Garden
[Summary] Too complicated to explain in one sentence, just read :)
[Pairing] Seifer x Squall, Zell x Library Girl, Zell x A Cactuar, Cid x Edea, Edea x Irvine, Laguna x Kiros and Rinoa x virtually everyone
[Warning] MA15+ Citrus Parody | Language, Rinoa bashing :D
[Added] 1 February 2002
Secrets of Balamb Garden
© Noire Sensus