« Squall X Quistis »
Last Update 22.04.2002
Last warning for people who don't like yaoi/slash. If this is you, you can exit here.
Submissions: If you'd like to submit a fic for this archive (please? Pretty please please?), or know of a fic that falls into this category and isn't here (horror of horrors), drop us a line and we'll see about getting it here.
NOTE: These fanfics all have ratings and classifications for their content, so if you don't know them, go to the Glossary. If you have any other questions it doesn't clear up, please refer to the FAQ - your question just might be there, before contacting us.
"I've got a Problem."
by SilverWing*
[Summary] *Based on a true story* Squall can't get Rinoa away from him no matter what he does...sometimes desperate times call for some desperate measures...
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall, Squall X Quistis
[Warning] MA15+ Lime Humour | Some Disturbing Content (Depends on how you are), language
[Added] 22 April 2002
"I've got a Problem."
PuPu's Saga
by Jeremy Chapter
[Summary] How the death of an alien could cripple the Gardens.
[Pairing] Selphie X Irvine, Seifer X Fuujin, Quistis X Squall
[Warning] PG-15 Angst, mild language, mild violence
[Author's Warning] If you [Reader] don't understand the pragmatics and semantics of sociolinguistics, don't email me and tell me that my fic doesn't make sense because you won't even pass for being original...yes, someone already flamed me for it.
[Added] 16 July 2001
[Status] Work In Progress | Updated: 24 August 2003
by Kursed SeeD
[Summary] Squall tries to find that someone who will let him be...
[Pairing] Squall X Rinoa, Squall X Quistis, Squall X Selphie, Squall X Zell, Squall X Irvine, Squall X Seifer
[Warning] R POV
[Added] 22 May 2004
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