[Summary] Unrequited love from the first person.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] PG-13 Citrus Language, alcohol use, spoilers, angst
[Added] 9 January 2002

Domestic Bliss
[Summary] Squall and Laguna get to know each other as father and son and Laguna finds love in an unlikely place!
[Pairing] Seifer X Laguna
[Warning] PG-13 Lime Fluff | Language, alcohol use
[Added] 1 March 2002
Domestic Bliss

My Own Worst Enemy
[Summary] "A thousand knives, a thousand needles, a thousand burning spears can’t release me from what I’ve done."
[Pairing] Squall X Seifer, Rinoa X Irvine
[Warning] R Citrus Deathfic | Alcohol use, angst, OOC, spoilers, suicidal themes, violence
[Added] 29 November 2004
My Own Worst Enemy