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  Name: Requiem Artist
E-mail: requiem_artist @
Website: Final Fantasy Syndrome | Webjounal
Final Fantasy X

Half of You; Half of Me

[Summary] 10 years prior to the game, Braska falls mortally ill near Guadosalam, where the Guado take him and his two guardians in and help the summoner back on his feet for a few months. In that time, Auron meets the Maester's only son, Seymour, the half-breed Guado, and they have a hidden affair, which doesn't last very long. A hidden secret causes Seymour's exile from Guadosalam, and he joins with Auron, Jecht and Braska to vanquish Sin.
[Pairing] Seymour X Auron
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon AU
[Added] 24 August 2003
[Status] Work In Progress | Updated: 24 August 2003

Half of You; Half of Me - Chapter 1
Half of You; Half of Me - Chapter 2