author file
author profile
  Name: Lady Tempest
E-mail: neemeister @
Website: Lady Tempest's Realm of Yaoi
Final Fantasy VIII

The Bloodcross Key Story Arc

The Bloodcross Key: Shattered Knight [Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Summary] After Ultimecia's defeat, Seifer still hasn't achieved his dream, and some people can't forgive him for what he did under Ultimecia's control.
[Notes] This fic links directly to Lady Tempest's site.
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Key-Fic Language, angst, non-consensual
[Added] 12 February 2001 | Revised: 22 February 2002

The Bloodcross Key - Part 1

The Bloodcross Key - Part 2

The Bloodcross Key - Part 3

The Bloodcross Key - Part 4

The Bloodcross Key - Part 5

The Bloodcross Key - Part 6

The Bloodcross Key - Part 7

The Bloodcross Key - Part 8

The Bloodcross Key - Part 9

The Bloodcross Key - Epilogue

The Bloodcross Key: Reversals [Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Summary] Seifer has to adjust to life after all that's happened to him.
[Notes] This fic links directly to Lady Tempest's site.
[Warning] NC-17 Lime Key-Fic Angst, language, implied non-consensual, adult themes, attempted suicide
[Added] 19 March 2001
Reversals - Part 1

Reversals - Part 2

Reversals - Part 3

Reversals - Part 4

Reversals - Part 5

Reversals - Part 6

Reversals - Part 7

Reversals - Part 8

Reversals - Part 9

Reversals - Part 10
Reversals - Part 11

Reversals - Part 12

Reversals - Part 13

Reversals - Part 14

Reversals - Part 15

Reversals - Part 16

Reversals - Part 17

Reversals - Part 18

Reversals - Part 19

Reversals - Part 20


Breaking Dreams
Co-Authored with Black Gem

[Summary] A new, perhaps more dangerous, foe threatens the existence of the world. Will Seifer and Irvine survive long enough to see to her defeat or will she defeat them, with themselves?
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall, Irvine X Zell
[Notes] This fic links directly to Lady Tempest's site.
[Warning] NC-17 Language, angst, non-consensual, violence, spoilers
[Added] 12 June 2001
[Status] Work In Progress | Updated: 12 June 2001

Breaking Dreams - Part 1

Breaking Dreams - Part 2

Breaking Dreams - Part 3

Breaking Dreams - Part 4


The "Homecoming" series

Homecoming [Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Summary] Did Seifer go willing with the Sorceress, or was he being controlled?
[Notes] This fic links directly to Lady Tempest's site.
[Warning] MA15+ Language, spoilers
[Added] 22 May 2001
[Status] Work In Progress | Updated: 2 April 2001

Homecoming - Part 1

Homecoming - Part 2

Homecoming - Part 3

Homecoming - Part 4

Homecoming - Part 5

Homecoming: Second Chances [Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Summary] How does Squall deal with Seifer's disappearance?
[Notes] This fic links directly to Lady Tempest's site.
[Warning] MA15+ Language, spoilers
[Added] 10 August 2002
[Status] Work In Progress | Updated: 10 August 2002

Second Chances - Part 1

Second Chances - Part 2


True Love's Kiss

[Summary] Light parody/humor fic. Squall is Rinoa's one true love. As they spend a romantic evening alone, trouble brews. How does meanie Seifer fit in to the story? Not all may be as it appears so, read to find out!! Rinuall, Squeegie fic ^__,^
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Notes] This fic links directly to Lady Tempest's site.
[Warning] PG-13 Citrus Fluff
[Added] 22 February 2002

True Love's Kiss


Zell's Turn to Suffer

[Summary] Zell's on a mission...
[Pairing] Seifer X Zell
[Notes] This fic links directly to Lady Tempest's site.
[Warning] PG-13 Citrus Language
[Added] 12 February 2001

Zell's Turn to Suffer