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  Name: Kazuya-sama
E-mail: Mirai_Kazuya_Mishima @
Website: Obsidian's Underground Domain

Before The End

[Summary] Jin has a guardian angel. Thrown out and nearly killed by his own grandfather, he finds himself lost and alone, likely to die with his lack of resources and support - that is, until a hidden shadow offers a helping hand.
[Pairing] None
[Warning] PG-13 Language, violence
[Added] 19 May 2003

Part 1 - Fallen Guardian Angel
Epilogue - All Is Not Lost


Chaolan's Confession

[Summary] Two teenage boys in one house, one with the hots for the other and an insatiable libido - the other, a complete and utter virgin. Unfortunately, the virgin has a habit of reacting violently in tense situations. This could take on some interesting twists...
[Pairing] Lee X Kazuya
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Mild violence
[Added] 19 May 2003

Chaolan's Confession



[Summary] Kazuya Mishima has always been good at defying the laws of...everything really; death being the main point to note. He was supposed to die in that why is he back, 20 years later, not looking a day older?
[Pairing] Kazuya X Nina
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Violence, mild disturbing content
[Added] 19 May 2003
[Status] Work In Progress | Updated: 22 May 2004

Chapter 1 - Resurrection

Chapter 2 - Intervention

Chapter 3 - Appreciation

Chapter 4 - Revival

Chapter 5 - Counterattack

Chapter 6 - Malevolence

Chapter 7 - Assumptions

Chapter 8 - Deliberation

Chapter 9 - Saturated

Chapter 10 - A Nice Warm Meal

Chapter 11 - Crimson
Chapter 12 - Behold

Chapter 13 - Gratification

Chapter 14 - Fire

Chapter 15 - Abuse

Chapter 16 - Decadence

Chapter 17 - The Light

Chapter 18 - Memoirs of a Past Unexperienced
Chapter 19 - Take All the Shame to the Grave

Chapter 20 - Otousan
Chapter 21 - Interlude: Fossils
Chapter 22 - Exchange


Dark Eyes

[Summary] Paul discovered a mystery warrior in a dark alley in Tokyo, bloodied and beaten. In a drunken stupor, he attempts to comfort the dark-eyed stranger.
[Pairing] Paul X ?
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon PWP | Mild violence
[Added] 22 May 2004

Dark Eyes