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  Name: Cendrillo
E-mail: cendrillo @
Website: Cendrillo @ | Journal
Final Fantasy VII

New Bottle Blonde New

[Summary] A woman who's done waiting and wanting. Another who just showed up looking for a friend. Months later and they find that sometimes the fear of substitution isn't really what the problem is.
[Pairing] Tifa/Elena
[Warning] MA15+ Lime Humour POV
[Added] 9 December 2005

Bottle Blonde


New Isoceles Syndrome New

[Summary] The oddest triangle dissolves when one man runs off with the woman they'd taken for granted. Shera and Vincent now must deal with the consequences of staking their happiness on the same man...
[Pairing] Vincent/Shera, Tifa/Cid, unrequited Vincent/Cid
[Warning] PG-13 POV | Angst, some violence
[Added] 9 December 2005

Isoceles Syndrome

Legacy of Kain

The Voyeur of Utter Destruction

[Summary] Kain has long since been a balance guardian when a strange quiver in the Reaver brings him to the messenger of ill news... and the final choice. Twist ending, Raziel appearance.
[Pairing] subtle Kain/Raziel
[Warning] PG-13 Deathfic | Violence, Spoilers for LoK: Defiance
[Added] 9 December 2005

The Voyeur of Utter Destruction