Rating: PG-13
Summary: She was a pretty thing, born of silk and roses and all the dandy things her father gave her. Completed for the 882 Ways to Appease the Heathen Gods: PotC Drabble Project.
Disclaimer: The characters in the Angelverse were created by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt.
Note: Drabble length, 100 words
Pretty Thing
By Ignited
She was a pretty thing, born of silk and roses and all the dandy things her father gave her. But she was violent, yes, and she was on the streets now, a ragtag sort of girl-woman. She'd make a name for herself, she would, so she roamed the streets. Have a care, give the girl a pretty bauble. Her name would be revered, and she'd travel in carriages.
For that, she did not have many peers, save for men. Their trinkets, hands.
Gold coins. One, particularly.
Glorious death by hands and dagger.
There would be no talk of her afterwards.