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  Name: Queen of the Castle
E-mail: queen_of_the_castle_77 @
Website: Journal
Harry Potter

The Cost of Change

[Summary] The Dark Lord was resurrected only five years after he fell from power in 1981. The Dursleys capitalise on the situation. Harry Potter must struggle through each day just to survive the consequences of one small change in reality.
[Pairing] Lucius/Harry implied
[Warning] R Lime AU Pre-Slash | Chan, prostitution
[Added] 29 April 2005

The Cost of Change


Fluctuations of the Mind

[Summary] Sirius isn't exactly stable after his years in Azkaban. Harry, oblivious to this, runs away to live with him.
[Pairing] Sirius/Harry
[Warning] NC-17 Lime AU | Chan, non-consensual, disturbing content, insanity
[Added] 29 April 2005

Fluctuations of the Mind


In Session

[Summary] Vernon Dursley is called up to Harry’s primary school to talk about Harry’s misbehaviour. Enraged, he decides he can’t wait until they get home to punish his nephew.
[Pairing] Vernon/Harry
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon AU | Chan, non-consensual, disturbing content, breathplay
[Added] 29 April 2005

In Session


Mastery of Passions

[Summary] One is afraid of his feelings. The other cannot wait to unveil his.
[Pairing] Lupin/Harry
[Warning] R Lime Pre-Slash | Mild angst
[Added] 29 April 2005

Mastery of Passions


One Last Connection

[Summary] Sometimes one good memory captured from overwhelming grief is better than no memories at all.
[Pairing] Sirius/Harry, Harry/various
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Angst, chan
[Added] 29 April 2005

One Last Connection