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  Name: Imma
E-mail: imma @
Website: Journal
Harry Potter

The WolfDream Chronicles
Co-Authored by Desdemona

[Series Scenario] It is now August, 1998. Harry and friends are in their 7th year, having had to skip one year due to the war. The war is now over, and Hogwarts is re-opening. New staff is being recruited, and this is where we begin our story...

Fetching Remus [Pairing] Lucius/Remus, Lucius/Remus/Others
[Summary] An unlikely emmissary is sent to lure Remus Lupin to return to Hogwarts as a DADA Professor.
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon AU | Angst, language, OOC, alcohol use
[Added] 24 August 2003
[Status] Work In Progress | Updated: 24 August 2003

Fetching Remus - Part 1