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  Name: Helena_Is_Dead
E-mail: Gerards_Chemical_Luv @
Website: None
Harry Potter

Faint of Hearts

[Summary] Certain events cause waves of realization to sweep the school... with the world fall into madness; for better or worse; and can it be saved? Should it be?
[Pairing] Harry/Draco, Draco/Ginny, other future pairings remain a secret...
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon AU Deathfic | Angst, language, disturbing content, suicidal themes, alcohol use, drug use, violence, non-consensual, OOC, spoilers
[Added] 29 April 2005
[Status] Work in Progress | Updated: 9 December 2005

Faint of Hearts - Chapter 1

Faint of Hearts - Chapter 2 New

Faint of Hearts - Chapter 3 New

Faint of Hearts - Chapter 4 New

Faint of Hearts - Chapter 5 New