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  Name: Aphelion Orion
E-mail: Aphelion.Orion @
Website: Journal
Final Fantasy VII

New Mistletoe New

[Summary] In Shinra Company 'tis the season to be naughty and Sephiroth is chagrined to find Zack's acquired mistletoe to entertain himself.
[Pairing] Sephiroth/Cloud
[Warning] PG-13 Citrus Humour
[Added] 9 December 2005



New The Morning After New

[Summary] Past experience has brought Cloud to always hate the morning after.
[Pairing] Sephiroth/Cloud
[Warning] PG-13 Mild violence, mild angst
[Added] 9 December 2005

The Morning After

Final Fantasy VIII

New Storm Front New

[Summary] Seifer, the defender of all things manly, stows after Squall when he sneaks away to enjoy the thunderstorm once again.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] G WAFF
[Added] 9 December 2005

Storm Front